Pregnancy 1st Trimester Symptoms

As I am writing this, I am happily in my second trimester. My 19th week to be exact! I can tell you I’m so excited to be done with the first trimester. Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful I had a healthy first 3 months, and I am forever thankful I am able to carry my baby…but wow that first trimester was tough!

Right off the bat, I had terrible nausea. Everything made me want to run to the bathroom. A trip to the store became a nightmare with all the smells. The rotisserie chicken…UGH! I’m surprised I never threw up in the middle of Walmart! In order to help with this I tried to eat snacks VERY often. I’m talking every hour. The few snacks I could keep down were Goldfish crackers, Saltines, and Uncrustable sandwiches. Boy, did I have a lot of Goldfish! Luckily, the nausea has subsided for the most part, except for when I brush my teeth for some reason!

The second symptom I experienced was exhaustion! Now, I’ve been tired before. I’ve been exhausted before. pregnancy exhaustion is something ELSE! I felt like I could take 3 naps a day and still be tired. This is especially difficult as often, like I did, we have jobs, kids, and other things we need to stay awake for! Honestly, nothing helped with this… I napped when I could and when I couldn’t I went to sleep as soon as my daughter did! I send out all my thoughts to all the exhausted mamas to be .

These were the two main symptoms I experienced! What are some symptoms or experiences you’ve had?


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