Why Does My Cat Do That?
As a cat owner, I find myself googling stuff about cats ALL the time. They’re just such unique creatures, and so unlike the dogs I’m used to! Understanding why cats do what they do can help you better care for your feline friend and strengthen the bond you share. In this blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look at common cat behaviors and what they mean. Happy Reading! After reading, check out my list of Essential Cat Products and grab your kitty a new toy or maybe some new treats!
1. Kneading
What It Is: Cats push their paws in and out against a soft surface, like a blanket or your lap. I love when my cat makes biscuits!
Why They Do It: Kneading is a comforting behavior that originates from kittenhood when they knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow. Adult cats knead when they feel happy, safe, and content.
2. Purring
What It Is: A low, continuous, vibrating sound that cats make.
Why They Do It: Purring typically indicates that a cat is relaxed and content. However, cats also purr when they are anxious, injured, or in pain as a self-soothing mechanism.
3. Bunting (Head-Butting)
What It Is: When a cat gently bumps its head against you or objects.
Why They Do It: Bunting is a way for cats to mark their territory using scent glands located on their head. It’s also a sign of affection and trust. My cat does this every morning when I wake up.
My Kitty, Umbreon
4. Chirping and Chattering
What It Is: A series of quick, repetitive sounds, often made while looking out the window at birds or other prey.
Why They Do It: This behavior is thought to be a mix of excitement and frustration. It may also mimic the sounds of their prey to confuse or attract them.
5. Tail Position and Movement
What It Is: Cats communicate a lot through their tail, from its position to the way it moves.
High Tail: Confidence and contentment.
Low Tail: Fear or anxiety.
Puffed-Up Tail: Extreme fear or aggression.
Twitching Tail: Agitation or excitement.
Why They Do It: Tail movements are a key part of feline body language, expressing a wide range of emotions.
6. Slow Blinking
What It Is: A cat slowly closes and opens its eyes while looking at you.
Why They Do It: Slow blinking is a sign of trust and affection. It’s the feline equivalent of a kiss and shows that your cat feels safe and comfortable with you. This one melts my heart!
7. Scratching
What It Is: Cats use their claws to scratch surfaces like furniture, carpets, and scratching posts.
Why They Do It: Scratching helps cats shed the outer layer of their claws, mark their territory with scent glands in their paws, and stretch their muscles. Providing appropriate scratching posts can help protect your furniture…sometimes! My cat still likes to scratch my couch sometimes, but that’s ok! She’s cute :P
8. Hiding
What It Is: Cats retreat to secluded spots, like under the bed or in closets.
Why They Do It: Hiding can be a sign of fear, stress, or illness. It’s also a natural behavior for cats seeking solitude or a quiet place to rest.
9. Bringing "Gifts"
What It Is: Cats bring dead animals, like mice or birds, to their owners.
Why They Do It: This behavior is rooted in their hunting instincts. It’s also a way for cats to share their prey with their human family, showing that they see you as part of their clan.
10. Rubbing Against You
What It Is: Cats rub their face, body, or tail against you.
Why They Do It: This is another way cats mark their territory with their scent glands. It’s also a sign of affection and a way for them to seek attention.
Understanding these common cat behaviors can help you better interpret your cat’s needs and emotions. By recognizing the reasons behind your cat’s actions, you can provide a more comfortable and supportive environment for your furry friend. Remember, every cat is unique, and spending time observing and interacting with your cat will deepen your understanding of their individual personality and quirks.
For more insights into feline behavior and care tips, visit our blog regularly!